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News from The Commodore


What another fantastic year its been at HSC !!  Thank you to you all for your efforts both on and off the water! 


This year has seen some important changes in the dinghy park which are now coming to fruition and are best explained on the picture below which I have annotated. 
Early in the year BCP accepted that continued shore erosion and storm damage had deprived the club of 25 equivalent dinghy spaces over the past decade in our demise (legal term for ‘allotment’) nearest the clubhouse. 25 replacement spaces were allocated to HSC in rows F&G (yellow boats) and we began to occupy these from November 1st . We have almost completed the move and will have done so by the end of this year with a combination of club and privately owned dinghies.


A group of volunteers have just built 4 new

kayak racks in row H and members have been

asked to move their kayaks from the affected

racks nearest the clubhouse to this new

location, safe from storm damage. The vacated

racks will then be moved to the far end of the

dinghy park to extend the line of storage racks

adjacent to Shoresports.  Good news is that

upon completion of the moves, we will have

increased kayak storage capacity from

~120 to ~150 spaces. There will be additional spaces available to those currently on the waiting list so if you are interested, contact the Club Manager.

The 6 well-used club Zests will then be relocated back to a secure position closer to  the club house ready for next season’s activities.


We are in continuous discussion with BCP about replacing the decrepit perimeter fence and while progress has been glacial, we believe and hope that the end may be near – watch this fence!


Finally, after a successful trial of 5 ‘transferable’ parking permits, the Committee have agreed to expand the initiative next year to include permits for general use too. We have decided to purchase 10 annual 'transferable' parking permits (for use in any car with HSC sticker displayed in the front windscreen) to supplement our 3 permanent spaces, so a total of 13 available parking spaces. There will be a priority system for volunteers when official club events are scheduled but otherwise, the permits are for the use of all members. Just take a plasticated permit from reception, place it on the dashboard, permit side up so parking wardens can read the details, and return it when you leave. Further details as to how HSC will operate the permits in parallel with official events requiring volunteers will be issued in due course. However, there will be no booking system, simply first-come-first-served!


As you can see a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to make this club as successful as possible!  


See you on the water soon ! 





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