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Training & Lessons


Private Lessons
HSC is not a registered RYA training centre but we do have members who are instructors and can offer private lessons in dinghy sailing. If interested please contact;


Ken Fowler                                                                     07963 321642

Mark Anderson                                                              07725 609201

Dave Holloway            (April – October only)              07952 102157


Safety/Support Boat

Additional formal RYA Training


One of our members, Martin Humphreys, can offer formal and certified RYA sailing courses at the club.  Below is a summary of what can be offered.


Essential Navigation and Seamanship Course 2 Day

A basic introduction to navigation and safety for anyone new to boating: sailors, powerboaters, sea anglers, divers and boatmasters. Also useful for experienced dinghy and keelboat sailors and inshore racers.


Day Skipper Theory Course - 5 Day

A comprehensive introduction to chartwork navigation meteorology and the basics of seamanship. Invaluable for learning how to start making decisions on board and if you are considering taking the Day Skipper practical course.


Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Course - 6 Day

Ideal for candidates for the Coastal Skipper practical course & Yachmaster Offshore exam. Some revision of the Day Skipper shorebased course plus more advanced skills in offshore & coastal navigation by day & night, pilotage & meteorology.


Experience: Day skipper theory or equivalent will be required as this follows on from Day skipper knowledge.


Contact Martin Humphreys at . Once enough has registered interest, Martin will work to schedule the courses.


Additional RYA courses

Including VHF, PB2, 1st Aid, and other RYA power and sail courses, Martin can help guide you so feel free to contact him.



Highcliffe Sailing Club Ltd

Highcliffe Sailing Club Ltd 

Sea Vixen 

Mudeford Quay 


Dorset -  BH23 4AB 

Tel - 01425 274 874


Company No. 11218056

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